Institution wishing to adopt and implement the audit approach developed and validated through this project. This manual gives an overview of the audits arranged as part of the European Students Sustainability Auditing (ESSA) project from a logistical perspective and provides guidance and resources to enable the planning and delivery of a successful social responsibility audit. At the same time, it provides a theoretical background to auditing in general.
This manual is aimed at university staff who either plan to get involved in or have decided to deliver an audit through the ESSA Project.
Institution wishing to adopt and implement the audit approach developed and validated through this project. This manual gives an overview of the audits arranged as part of the European Students Sustainability Auditing (ESSA) project from a logistical perspective and provides guidance and resources to enable the planning and delivery of a successful social responsibility audit. At the same time, it provides a theoretical background to auditing in general.
This manual is aimed at university staff who either plan to get involved in or have decided to deliver an audit through the ESSA Project.